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As professional scoopers of dog doo, we at Scoop Masters ponder many deep, philosophical questions while knee-deep in our noble work. Questions like: Why do dogs wait until we’re watching to make eye contact while pooping? Will I ever get this smell out of my shoes? And, of course, Will dogs go to Heaven?

It’s a question that has kept theologians, pet owners, and 5-year-olds awake at night. If there’s a Heaven, and I believe there is, wouldn’t it be incomplete without the tail-wagging, face-licking, best friends who have stood by our side through thick and thin (and through that unfortunate carpet incident)?

Let’s dig in—preferably with a shovel instead of paws—to see what the Good Book says about this heavenly matter.

Biblical Barks: What the Bible Says About Animals in Heaven

The Bible doesn’t explicitly say, “Yes, Sparky is currently chasing celestial squirrels in Heaven.” However, there are plenty of verses that suggest animals have a place in God’s grand plan.

One of the most encouraging scriptures is Isaiah 11:6, which describes a peaceful kingdom where “The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, the leopard shall lie down with the young goat… and a little child shall lead them.” This vision of paradise includes animals living harmoniously—so why wouldn’t our faithful companions be part of the picture?

Additionally, Ecclesiastes 3:21 raises an interesting point: “Who knows whether the spirit of man goes upward and the spirit of the animal goes down into the earth?” Now, we’re not theologians (we are, however, highly skilled at dodging landmines in backyards), but this verse seems to leave room for the possibility that animals have spirits that continue on after their time here.

And let’s not forget Revelation 19:11, where Jesus himself returns on a white horse. Now, if there are horses in heaven, surely there’s room for Fido and his frisbee, right?

A Dog’s Faithfulness vs. A Human’s Questionable Track Record

If we’re being honest, dogs might have a better shot at getting into heaven than we do. After all, they embody many of the virtues we humans struggle with:

  • Loyalty: Dogs stick with us through thick and thin, even when we forget to feed them on time.
  • Forgiveness: You accidentally step on their tail, and two seconds later, they’re licking your face.
  • Unconditional Love: Dogs love us at our worst—morning breath and all. Of course, most dogs love morning breath!
  • Patience: Ok, maybe not patience. Especially when it comes time for a walk.

Compare that to humans, who hold grudges over text message misinterpretations and cut each other off in traffic just for fun. If St. Peter is checking a heavenly guest list, we might be the ones in trouble, not our four-legged friends.

C.S. Lewis & Theologians Weigh In

Christian thinker C.S. Lewis, who was a pretty smart guy (and also responsible for putting talking animals in The Chronicles of Narnia), believed that animals might be in heaven through their relationship with humans. He suggested that because pets share such a deep bond with us, they might experience eternal life through our salvation. Basically, if your golden retriever has been by your side on earth, there’s a chance he’ll be trotting by your side in eternity too.

Other theologians argue that heaven is a place of perfect joy. And honestly, what kind of paradise would it be if your dog wasn’t there to greet you with joyful jumps? If God created dogs to bring us happiness here, wouldn’t He want us to have that joy forever?

Rod Sterling Has Thoughts About This Too

If you’re a Twilight Zone fan like me, (no, not the vampire saga) you can probably watch the first minute of an episode and know instantly what it’s about. One that comes to mind is when the old hill person passes on along with his hound dog. As he finally realizes that he’s in the afterlife, he comes upon a friendly person who is welcoming him into his resting place. Only one problem, his dog is not allowed!

After much discussion, the old man decides that he’d rather be in Hell with his hound dog, rather than in Heaven without his faithful friend. The old man continues up the road and runs into another person who is welcoming him into his final resting place. Him and his hound dog. He discovers that this is really Heaven and the previous person was the devil trying to entice him into Hell. Not really theological in the true sense of the word, but the old man was saved by his dog.

The Great Pooper Scooper in the Sky

Here’s a comforting thought: If dogs do go to heaven, we can assume there won’t be any need for pet waste removal services. That’s right—streets of gold, no more tears, and absolutely zero backyard surprises to step in. It’s a pooper scooper’s ultimate dream!

But whether or not our furry best friends make it to Heaven, one thing is for sure: God gave us dogs as a gift in this life. They teach us love, patience, and how to spot a suspiciously quiet puppy before a roll of toilet paper is destroyed. So, while we may not know with absolute certainty whether dogs are waiting for us in eternity, we do know this—right now, they’re here, making life a whole lot better (and sometimes a whole lot messier).

Final Scoop: So, Do Dogs Go to Heaven?

We’re going to lean toward a heavenly yes. Between biblical hints, theological musings, and the sheer fact that God is loving and just, it’s hard to imagine eternity without our loyal companions. After all, since Heaven is a place of joy, and dogs bring joy, well… you do the math.

In the meantime, while we’re all still here, we’ll keep doing the Lord’s work—cleaning up after our beloved pups, one scoop at a time. And if it turns out there’s a great big dog park in the sky, we hope someone else is in charge of waste removal. Amen.

Scoop Masters offers professional pooper scooper services in California, Texas, and Tennessee. Since 1988, we’ve saved dog owners across the country from the overly unpleasant task of picking up after their pets. Each poopy project we complete gives them the freedom, convenience, and sanitation they deserve! Contact us for a free quote. To stay in the loop, follow up on Facebook and Twitter/X. If your dog can poop it, we can scoop it!

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