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Dog tips

How To Clean Dog Paws

How To Clean Dog Paws

Do you adore those heartwarming moments of outdoor playtime with your furry friend, but dread the inevitable tracks of dirt that come with it? The muddy mess trailing over your fresh carpet is enough to make you second-guess taking your canine companion outside at...

How To Properly Dispose Of Pet Waste

How To Properly Dispose Of Pet Waste

Each year, domestic dogs in the U.S. produce an astounding 10.6 million tons of poop. Whether you're a doting pet parent or an apartment complex manager, it's important to have an effective and sanitary way to dispose of dog waste. That's because dog poop isn't just...

How To Firm Up Your Dog’s Poop

How To Firm Up Your Dog’s Poop

Is your dog's poop a little too loose for your liking? Occasional watery stools can be difficult to clean at best. Persistent watery stools may even indicate an underlying health concern. Luckily, there are a few ways to firm up your dog's poop. Keep reading to learn...

Odor Control and Your Pets Part-3

Odor Control and Your Pets Part-3

The Last Part of a 3 -Part Series on Odor Control If you read the previous two articles, (Part 1) (Part 2) then you may have realized that there are several ways to control odors from dog urine and other sources. Some are more practical than others and since I am...

Odor Control and Your Pets – Part 2

Odor Control and Your Pets – Part 2

I’m sure you were waiting with bated breath on my test results of my odor control experiment. Well, wait no more, because, here it is! The Odor Control Part 1 Re-Cap As I said in part 1, I sprayed the OdorMute, the Fresh Scent 256 and the Wysiwash on separate surfaces...

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Why Get Pet Insurance for Your Dog?

Let’s face it—our dogs are family. They’re not just fluffy companions who wag their tails and beg for treats; they’re our partners in crime, emotional support animals, and sometimes, our personal exercise coaches. So, when they get sick, injured, or need a last-minute...

Will Dog Poop Kill Grass?

As dog-loving homeownerships continue to blossom, one quirky yet ever-present dilemma emerges: the battle between the beloved pup and the lawn. It may seem like a mere nuisance, a little bit of dog poop here, a sprinkle of dog urine there—but these seemingly small...

How Many Times Does a Puppy Poop a Day?

Your Guide to Puppy Potty Habits Ah, the joys of bringing home a brand-new puppy. Those big, puppy-dog eyes, the floppy ears, and, of course, the inevitable moment when you realize—you’re going to have to deal with poop. A lot of poop. But don’t worry, fellow dog...

Can Dogs Eat Strawberries and Other Fruits?

We’ve all seen it—your dog sneaks a bite of your strawberry, apple, or whatever fruit you’re eating and suddenly, you freeze. Is that okay? Should you panic? Are they secretly running a fruit heist behind your back? (Spoiler: your dog’s not plotting world...

Exploring the pros and cons of pet health insurance

Pets are a beloved member of the family. We share our homes with them, buy them toys, take care with choosing their food and include them in our daily lives – it’s no surprise, then, that most of us want to make sure we’re offering our critters and creatures the best...

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